Monday, June 24, 2019

Woodwork of 27ft Sportfisherman

I haven't posted about Kevin Agee's 27ft sportfisherman project for more than a month but work has been continuing. I took some time off for camping, surfing and sailing at Cape Hatteras with my surf buddies but Kevin stayed hard at work, sanding to achieve that perfect paint finish that he wants. The whole boat is now one colour, the light cream of the final coat of high-build epoxy. Next will be the finish primer to seal the epoxy in preparation to receive the high gloss finish coats.

In the meantime, I have been working on the pretty bits, the woodwork that will be bright-finished to set them off from the painted surfaces. Kevin bought 9-10" wide sapele mahogany planks for the toerails, from which I was able to select sections with grain patterns to flow the grain around the curves of the bow. He also found a 12" wide plank of figured sapele mahogany for me to make the helm pod.
All one colour, of high-build epoxy.
Flush lid of the fish box. OK, I fibbed a little, the lid is still a different colour.
Shaping and dry-fitting the pieces of the toerail. Kevin and Michelle glued this next day. The parts slipping and sliding on wet glue made the gluing operation a lot less fun than my experience when dry-fitting.
The finished bow capping of the toerail. It has been glued, edges radiused and sanded to a smooth surface. My high school woodwork teacher, who gave me a failing grade, would not believe that I made these high quality wooden parts without his help.
Scarph joint between two sections of toerail

The completed toerail, awaiting epoxy coatings and varnish
Cutting the components of the helm pod. Once glued up the completed pod will be shaped to a softly rounded shape.
The helm bod will form the base on which the wheel will be mounted.

I will have another break from the boat this weekend while Dehlia and I exhibit our designs on the Wooden Boat Show in Mystic Seaport, Connecticut.

This design is not yet on our website but will be there as soon as plans are ready. That will be after the launch and seatrials. See our range of designs on our main website or our mobile website.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Wooden Boat Show

Next weekend sees the 28th annual Wooden Boat Show, at Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. This is a great event in a wonderful venue, with a wide variety of wooden boats to view, or even go for a ride. We will have our Argie 15 on the village green, as well as a display of our designs at our booth in the main tent.
Our Argie 15 on show at the 2017 edition of the Wooden Boat Show
Mystic Seaport is a living museum, showing life as it was in a New England seafaring community hundreds of years ago. It includes displays of many aspects of life in that community, from milling wood for the shipbuilding operations to the drug store and doctor's office. Rides on a variety of traditional craft are also available to visitors.

This is a gorgeous part of the world and we always enjoy our annual visit there. Come to the show and drop by our booth and Argie 15 to talk boats. The show runs from Friday 28th June through to Sunday 30th and we will be there for the duration.