Thursday, July 1, 2021

Inlet Runner "Grace Sea", Family Fun Boat

The boat in this post is pretty much the opposite to the very sleek rowing shell in my previous one. That was an ultra slim human-powered racing boat that can only operate in displacement mode. This one is much shorter and fatter, an outboard powered garvey that is best in planing mode.

"Grace Sea" is an Inlet Runner 16, built by Bryan Watson of Manchester, New Hampshire. He appears to have done a nice job of the build, producing a fun family boat. He has done a stand-up centre console of his own design that seems to have worked out well.

Stitch & glue plywood garvey hull

Finished, with custom console.

Self-draining open deck.

Congratulations to Bryan on his build, finished in time for family fun this summer.

To see the other boats in our design portfolio, go to our main website or our mobile website.

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