Sunday, August 21, 2022

Dix 38 Pilot in Patagonia

 In years gone by a few metal boats built to our designs have cruised in high latitudes, including the Arctic, Antarctic and Patagonia. Visits to those areas have been on the Dix 38 Pilot, Dix 43 Pilot and Vickers 45AC. The most recent was the Dix 38 Pilot "Spailpin", that visited Antarctica two years running, in 2018 and 2019. Read about her voyages.

There is another steel Dix 38 Pilot cruising Patagonia and sending me beautiful photos from their sailing. "Madogwy" (meaning Freedom Lover) was built in Wales in 2007, bought by the current owners for their planned voyaging. Note that all of the photos shown here are courtesy of the photographer Magdalena Nykiel and cannot be used elsewhere without first getting her permission.

After a refit and upgrades, she circumnavigated Iceland and then Faroe and Shetland Islands in winter, preparing for their voyaging in the South.

From Scotland they did a quick crossing of the Atlantic and tropics, then headed south to the fjords of Pategonia. They are cruising there in the relative calm of winter.

Plans for the future have changed for the owners of "Madogwy". They are putting her onto the market in Puerto Montt and can deliver to a buyer in Chile, possibly further. This is a well-proven boat that is ready to take on tough cruising and should be well worth the asking price of US$60,000.

Her interior is outfitted to a very nice standard and comfortable for a family for distance cruising. Interior video tour.

Anyone interested in buying "Madogwy" can contact me by email, then I will forward to the owners so that you can negotiate directly.