Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy, Happy New Year

As always, another year has come and gone, way before I was ready for it to disappear in the spray behind us. Some dear friends and loved family have departed with 2009 and will be sorely missed. They have bolstered my resolve to live every day to the fullest because I don't know when my turn will come.

The year also gave many happy memories, of family visiting from abroad, of my big birthday and its wonderful surprises, of good friendships and family fun, of some really nice surf in the company of good friends, of exciting sailing, of meeting great people who visit us at boat shows to look at our boat and designs, of everything else that makes life worth living to the fullest possible extent. The year also made an impression on my head when my new surfboard and my forehead dinged each other, leaving us both scarred for life.

To all our family, friends, builders and owners who have supported us through 2009 I say thank you for a wonderful year. It was tough on all of us at times, in many ways. Let's all work hard toward making 2010 a better year for all of us, wherever we may be. We have supporters in all corners of the world. Wherever you are, I hope that the next year is good to you.

Here is a little piece of news about one of our designs, or rather a hint at something that will come out soon. I have been trying for about a year to figure how to update one of our most popular designs, to bring it into the next generation. I could not get my mind around a workable way to do it, so it sat stewing in my mind for a long time. I have not had time available to do a completely new design.

As is sometimes the way with these things, thinking about it and labouring at the drawings did not bring a solution. Last week, in relaxed mode between Chritmas and New Year (or was it between a beer and a glass of red wine?) the solution came to me of its own accord. So, I am now in the midst of updating this design, working on the large base of established detail drawings. This allows me to change what needs to be changed, keep what I know to work and not have to draw it all again to suit a different boat.

It also has the benefit that I will be able to develop bigger sisters to the same concept, to fit the needs of many people who have asked me over the past 2 or 3 years to do just that. I resisted all of those potential commissions because I wanted to solve this problem for myself first. The problem is solved and the work has begun.

So, watch this space in a few weeks (hopefully not longer), when I will tell you what design has been going through this transformation.

Let's all attack 2010 with gusto. Enjoy the year, have a ball.


Please visit us at Dudley Dix Yacht Design

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