Friday, April 13, 2012

Ost Power 20 - An International Effort

The Ost Power 20 is a new powerboat design that was commissioned by Ost Yachts of Moscow, Russia. The design brief was for a production GRP boat of very modern "stealth" styling and which could be economically shipped internationally in containers. The first boat was introduced at the Moscow Boat Show last month and will be doing demos in the Moscow area throughout the summer.

Ost Power 20 on the Moscow Boat Show

This project turned into a true international effort, with multiple countries involved. I am a South African designer working in USA for a Russia client. The hull and deck plugs were made on a 5-axis router in Virginia, USA and were shipped to China. There the plugs were brought up to final finish and moulds were taken from them. The hull and deck components are moulded in China, with all stiffening added in the moulds. Then they are nested inside 40ft containers and shipped to the builder in Moscow, Russia. In Moscow they are assembled and all joinery and hardware added to complete them for sale into the Russian market. The first boat taken from the moulds underwent some testing in China.

The first boat testing in China

Ost Yachts plan to show their boats on boat shows in Europe. Visit the Ost Yachts Website.

Visit for more inforamtion on all of our designs.

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