Tuesday, April 10, 2012

WOOD Regatta

It is time for the WOOD Regatta again and I encourage anyone with a small to moderate size wooden boat to join us for a weekend of fun. If you are on the US Mid-Atlantic Coast or nearby, it is well worth the effort to be there.

This is a weekend of racing but the emphasis is on fun rather than proving that you are Olympic medal material. Everybody there is a lover of wooden boats, especially the particular one that they will be sailing. Many of them have been lovingly restored or have been built by their owners, so they have little interest in enforcing their rights at marks or on the start line by bashing you out of the way. You need a working knowledge of the racing rules to be competitive but, if you are short of experience in that department, hang back from the fray to be safe.

Venue for the event is Rock Hall Yacht Club, on the Delmarva Peninsula, on the East side of Chesapeake Bay. The on-site facilities are good, with a club restaurant and plenty of space for camping in very pleasant surroundings. The club also has a swimming pool and rolling lawns for family to relax while you are sailing.

View of the sailing waters from Rock Hall Yacht Club.

I will be there with my Paper Jet #1 and invite any other Paper Jet owners on the East Coast to join me there. Argie 15s would also be great boats to sail in this regatta, so please join us there. Last year there were entries from as far away as Massachusetts and Maine. I think that there was also someone who drove from Michigan.

Go to http://www.woodenboat.com/woodregatta.php to read more info and to download Notice of Race and application forms. Deadline for entry is 5th May, so put this on your "to do" list for action this month.
Rock Hall Yacht Club from the dinghy beach. Camping is along the tree line to the right of the club house.

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