Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dudley Interviewed by CatamaranSite

 I was interviewed by Dierdre of CatamaranSite about my design work, more particularly about my catamaran designs. This forms part of their series of interviews with catamaran designers. Click on the image below to go to the interview.

We discussed my background, catamaran designs generally in the past, present and future, my radius chine plywood cat design series, as well as where my boats are built.

If you want to know more about my multihull or monohull designs after watching the video, go to out main website or our mobile website.


  1. I love your work! Owning whatever boat is amazing for those who love sailing. I own a yacht, but its maintenance is difficult. When I was in Greece a few years ago, I had a small accident in an island's port so it had to be painted. Fortunately, I found a company in Athens with expertise in maintenance and yacht painting

  2. So Black Cat has finally convinced you to make an actual cat!

    1. I have never been against cats. The very first boat that I designed was a 4.5m cat that then built and sailed for years. I was given the label of being anti-cat due to a misquote in a sailing magazine that said I didn't like cats because they aren't self-righting. They took my statement that a good family cruising monohull must be self-righting and they attached it to multihulls. They corrected it in the next issue but the damage was done. BTW, I designed the DH550 cat along with Phil Harvey 18 years ago, it is not a new design.
