Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Cape Cutter 19 for Sale in Philippines

 "Amihan" is a plywood/epoxy gaff rigged trailer-sailer built to our Cape Cutter 19 design. She has bilge keels, which allow her to stand upright when cruising shallow waters and beached. Her owner needs to sell for bad health reasons, no longer able to enjoy her the way that he wants.

She is in Sual, Pangasinan on Luzon island, 200 km north of Manila. This may be a good opportunity for someone willing to start their ownership of a very capable little cruiser by cruising a tropical paradise. With a decent skipper aboard, she is capable of voyaging from Philippines to Australia or Asia if that is your home.

The seller's price is US$18,500. She comes with 8hp Yamaha Enduro outboard motor, solar panel, Autohelm 2000+ auto pilot, VHF radio and GPS. She also comes with 11'8" Ian Oughtred Acorn dinghy as her tender. Price and what is included in the sale can be negotiated with the seller.

If you are interested in buying "Amihan", please contact me by email and I will put you in contact with the seller, to negotiate price and other details.

Dudley Dix

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