Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Plywood Catamaran Kits

Exocetus Yachts in UK are building a Dix 470 radius chine plywood catamaran. All plywood components have been modeled in 3D CAD and converted into CNC cutting files to cut them from standard plywood sheets. Exocetus Yachts cut their kits in UK and can ship to their customers wherever they are.

The first kit that was cut, for their own use, had the joints between plywood sheets made with sawtooth stepped scarph joints. More recently they have changed over to jigsaw joints, which are more accurate and more economical in both plywood and computer cutting time, so overall a more efficient option.

They have also developed a kit for the DH550 cat. The first boat from this kit is now being built by an amateur boatbuilder customer in Germany. Latest news is that a kit for the Dix 470 is about to be cut in Australia and these kits for both designs may soon be available to other builders in Australia, cut in Australia for easier delivery.

The photos below show the Dix 470 build in UK and the DH550 build in Germany. See previous post about Exocetus Yachts for more photos.
Plywood sheets being laminated for easier assembly of the radius hull panels.
Radius panel being skinned with pre-formed plywood sheets.
Dix 470 hulls completed and set up on cradles, ready for bridgedeck.
DH550 hull kit en-route to Germany.
DH550 kit being assembled in Germany. Jigsaw joints can be seen on the closest bulkheads.
A catamaran of this size is a very large undertaking for an amateur builder. The CNC kit option cuts the corner on much of the setting out and cutting required in the build, trimming off considerable time from the overall commitment to the project.

To see our other designs, please visit our main website or our mobile website.

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