Thursday, November 17, 2016

Winter Project Time Again

That time is coming around again, for the northern hemisphere. Winter has a charm all of its own, with festive occasions, family gatherings, giving and receiving gifts, having fun in the snow and snuggling by a roaring log fire with eggnog. Then there are those times of being trapped inside, when nerves begin to be frayed by cabin fever after all of the Scrabble and other board games have worn out their appeal and you have run out of episodes of that TV series that you have binge-watched for 36 hours straight.

That is when it helps for Dad to have a project to work on in his man-cave that does double-duty as a workshop. A small boat is a great project for those times, creating something of value for the family to enjoy when warmer weather returns, while also giving opportunities for quality time working together and developing new skills that will be of value in the future.

We have a few boat designs that are ideally-sized to be built in a small space, some simple and quick to build and others more demanding of skills, time and financial resources. Here is brief info on all of them.
This 8ft Dixi Dinghy was built by Leslie Koen. It has a sailing rig option as well
This 9ft Oppikat was built by Frank Nagel for his children
This Argie 10 was built by schoolboy brothers while Dad was away on a business trip.
Challenger 13 built by Jonas Klimantavicius
Paper Jet built by Andre Siebert
Didi Sport 15 built by Jim Foot.
Argie 15 built by Tarquin Morkel
Lynnhaven 16 built by Mikhail Andrukov
Inlet Runner 16 built by Kevin Agee.
Time to sharpen your saws, chisels and planes, buy in some marine plywood, Douglas fir and epoxy, then get to work preparing for next summer. You will also need the plans, which can be ordered from our pricelist.

See more about these and our other designs on our main website or our mobile website.

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