Monday, July 25, 2016

Didi 29 Retro Project Nearly Done

Bruce Mierke is building his Didi 29 Retro "Arabella" in North Carolina. I have shown his project before, showing his beautiful craftsmanship. Bruce built her from a CNC plywood kit that we supplied.

Bruce's boat is nearing completion and looks really good in the newest photos. These show her pulled out of the workshop, with her rig standing for the first time. The mast stands in a tabernacle and Bruce pulled it upright with a spinnaker pole and tackle system.
Didi 29 Retro "Arabella", beautifully built by Bruce Mierke.
Bruce is a professional boatbuilder and is building this boat for himself. He has many of his own ideas that have gone into the build, so there are some differences from our stock design. These include the cabin configuration and much of the interior. The final result is a good-looking boat with hull lines that promise exciting sailing.
Gaff rig with carbon spars. Clean lines of a radius chine plywood hull.
"Arabella" has an articulating carbon bowsprit that retracts to stow along the side deck. The inboard end of the sprit runs on a track with control lines led to the cockpit.
Articulated and retracting carbon bowsprit.
Carbon bowsprit slides through forestay chainplate fitting.
"Arabella" will be launched in a few months. Next update when she is afloat.

To see our full range of designs visit our main website or our mobile website.

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